Friday, 22 February 2008

Coming up to shooting time

We have finally finished both the storyboard and the animatic, the animatic is fairly simple but still gives a rough idea on what the final piece will look like. Unfortunately due to a large amount of work that me and Jay have had recently it has been difficult to add to the blog and keep up with everything that needs doing, luckily I managed to get us back on track by getting the design of a CD Cover sorted (well technically 4 different Cover designs) which will be/are at the bottom of this blog with the other photos (the backs hopefully will be included soon) please leave any comments about whichever cover you prefer. There has been some dispute over these CD Covers so any help at all about your favourite's would be greatly appreciated!



Dr C said...

Tell me how you produced the storyboard and animatic - how are the ideas suited to the track? How will it help promote the band? What sort of image are you creating for them?

When you finished the animatic were there any 'holes' in it that you will have to address?

Now you'll need a risk assessment and shooting schedule!

Dr C

Dr C said...

I see youve added a back cover - looks very attractive - but what institutional elements are missing?!